Nothing much has happened over the past few days...just lots and lots of cooking!!!!! I made yummy beef stew and dumplings with my dad on Wednesday--the perfect cold-weather meal. And yesterday I made gingerbread cookies with cream-cheese frosting. Yes, I am definitely getting in the Christmas spirit...if only the weather would cooperate. It's been raining. It so sad to think that if it had just been ten or fifteen degrees colder, all this rain would be snow and I'd be living in a sugar-plum forest. Hmmm...I think I shall have to try doing a snow dance tonight.
I feel obligated to apologize for neglecting this blog for two days. Honestly, I was sad yesterday, and didn't feel up to writing. I love spending time with my parents--it's fun to see our new house all decorated, but I'm kind of lonely--no matter if I'm here, in Ohio, or in Michigan, I am missing someone. Or rather, lots of someones. Why can't all the people I care about live in the same place!!!!! I miss traditions, like spending time with my dad's side of the family on Christmas Eve--kids running around, laughter the soundtrack to the whole night, the scent of spinach pie, lasagna....tons and tons of food that somehow manages to disappear. And on Christmas morning in my old house, Grandma and Grandpa Klepinger used to come over for brunch and present opening. But my grandpa passed away--has it been seven years already?--and we don't live in our old house anymore. I find comfort in consistency. I like to plan, and I like to know that some things, at least, will stay the same. In the past year and a half, everything has changed. I know we will make new traditions, and that I will come to cherish those as much as the old ones--but we are still in the transition stage. But it will pass, it will change, as all things do. So cherish your own traditions this holiday season, and keep them alive for as long as you can.
You're apologizing after not blogging for two days? Relax! Blog when it's appropriate. I don't blog nearly as much, mostly because I want to try and put out quality posts over quantity.